Tuesday, January 10, 2012

CREPELATO - Davao City (Gelato, Crepes, Pastries, etc.)

This post about Davao City is long overdue. This should have been posted months ago. Anyway, better late than never.

On my last day in Davao, my companions and I had the chance to visit a dessert bar. We just came from an all you can eat breakfast we were not up to eating anything but we wanted to have something sweet so we went to Crepelato. They have crepes, obviously, gelato, pastries, cakes and they also meals including pasta dishes.

We ordered gelato instead of crepe even if we thought that crepe is the specialty of Crepelato. This is because as I've said we were already full from the breakfast we just had. We ordered the OVERLOAD. That means 8 scoops of gelato. Overload really.

I loved the experience.

By the way I had tea to go with the Crepelato gelato. They aren't the perfect pair, I know, but I wanted to try it so I did. I had mango flavoured tea.

You can also order Crepelato gelato in sugar cones with flavors. Now, we should  have tried that.

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