Friday, June 17, 2016

Healthy Snacks for School - Healthy Baon for Your Child 2 (Healthy Rice)

This second post about healthy snacks that your child can bring is not really snacks. It's about making your child's rice healthy.

If your child brings rice and viand to school and you can let him bring vegetables, it's time to turn to the rice and make it healthier.

What you can do is boil the vegetables that you want like malunggay and cabbage. Use the broth to cook the rice. Your child will not notice it but he'll get nutrients from the vegetables. You can try other vegetables to have different flavors. But I suggest you start with the ones that have mild taste. Or maybe something interesting to them like sweet corn.

I hope this will help you make your child's baon a healthy baon.

1 comment:

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